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Founder, Head Coach 
Chris always considered himself the stereotypical “Good Looking Loser” even though he had an average dating life into in mid 20's. He isn't a complete zero to hero story, but he felt drastically underachieving in his dating life. He wasn't interested in the girls that liked him and couldn't get the girls that he wanted.

His goal was always to have a “stable sex life” or “rotation” that included at least 4 super hot girls at a time and perhaps later find his ideal 10 for a girlfriend. Since he was afraid to approach hot women that he didn’t know, he was simply limited to his social circle like most guys. 

Once out of college, the opportunities to meet women seemed even fewer. 

In March 2008, he made the relentless commitment to begin achieving dating success. 
In September 2008, he left Law School to continue his journey.

Over the 23 months, in 5 different cities, he brought home a total of 71 girls, with the vast majority being very high quality.    By November 2009, he had a stable sex life that included 7 high caliber women (4 of which were in Los Angeles). 
In April of 2010, he began exclusively dating his current girlfriend that he considers to be the “Total 10” in terms of looks, sexual confidence, personality and character.

Chris' game is a mixture of playful, funny, absurd humor with sexual assertiveness.

Chris is an expert at beating approach anxiety, dating and managing multiple high quality women, and lifestyle design.

He is also a certified personal trainer and sports nutritionist.
He also made this beautiful website, all by himself!
Interested in learning more?
GoodLookingLoser Head Coach, VP
Scotty always considered himself a "Good Looking Loser." He never got laid in high school and was in 2 very emotionally unhealthy relationships before he decided to make big changes in his life. 

For the next 2 years, Scotty committed himself relentlessly to competitive bodybuilding. While bodybuilding increased his self esteem somewhat, it did not yield any sort of dating life that he could be satisfied with. He was still getting less girls than the average guy.

Still desparate to improve his life, Scotty found the "seduction community" and took a workshop with a major social dynamics company. The workshop was eye-opening for Scotty. Like bodybuilding, Scotty relentlessly committed himself to the pickup lifestyle and meeting new girls. During his initial stages, he approached upwards of 60 women a day - 7 days a week. He got good, really good at meeting women. 

Within the seduction community, Scotty [Flamingo] developed the 
reputation as "The Speed Demon," able to have sex with women 
within five minutes of approaching them. This skill is rare and 
almost unheard of for the average guy, even very few of the most
this skill. Scotty  not only has mastered this skill but he has 
successfully scored  with very high quality girls in less than 
5 minutes. 

Scotty's game is the quintessential example of 'laid back yet very,
very aggressive'.  

Scotty is an expert on one-night stands, same day pulls, speed 
seduction, alpha body language, non-verbal game, closing, 
becoming non-reactive, and developing "natural" game.  

You can personally contact Scotty at:
Meet the GoodLooking Losers: